Monday, July 17, 2017

Slowly stitching

These are rows of 4-patches sewn into strips to be pressed now and starched to make a 100 patch block. I have have 9 made so far and need 16 total. I think I have enough strips to finish the block count. Then I need to make sashing and borders with more of the 2 inch squares. So more cutting and sewing will go on. I think I have used 7 bobbins so far. I have 9 more wound so we will see how far this goes to get this one done. 

In straightening up my sewing desk I moved some string blocks that I have been working and found this pile of blocks. There are 33 in this pile and I have a few done in the drawer. I think these were 25 squares of 2inch squares cut diagonally twice. I will surround them with triangles to make square in a square looking blocks. This is what happens whern you have to sew and nothing planned.
But it also is good because you can work on something different when the mood strikes you.

The heat and humidity are coming back. It was 55 degrees this morning. So if it cools off overnight it will help with the A/C bill. Chris

1 comment:

Julierose said...

I love how your little 2" squares look--I am working with my 2.5" ones right now--I LOVE sewing squares and find it just so satisfying for some reason...
I have been using mine for borders a lot lately...I am looking forward to seeing all your blocks come together...hugs (hot, humid --dewpoint 75 ugh!! here--disgustingly hot!!) Julierose