First thing in the morning I am a creature of habit. I like a couple cups of coffee first thing while the house is still quiet. I wake up before my husband most days and I can sit in quiet and read or sew without a lot of noise.
I read blog posts that you all write and then if I have anything to say I add it to your blog posts. I have been not doing a whole lot other than cleaning and dishes and laundry. I guess while working on the porch I let things go to much.
I have done a little hand stitching on my stars. I was going to start something else and I just put it aside until I have a better plan as to what I want to do with the quilt. Today I do want to get more laundry done and also get my sewing room back in better shape. This week I need to get the extra bedroom usable again.
I think the little ones will be coming this next weekend for over night and if I get kicked out of my own bed I have someplace to sleep.
I have some goals, but whether or not I can get them done is a different thing. I would like to get some of the partially quilted quilts done with the quilting process so I can get them to the people they belong to. I have three for sure that I need done.
I have a little bit of knitting that needs doing also. I want to make some baby booties and also a couple stocking caps. I had been looking for a certain size needles and I finally found that at Joann's the other day.
The season of transition to being stuck inside is just around the corner. I need to finish up some cutting back in the yard and then we can get everything down to just mowing of the leaves as they fall. We have a mulching mower and we don't rake leaves because they help feed the soil if they are mulched.
Today will be open game for whatever I find to do. I would like to get something done to say Labor Day was a true day of labor for me. Enjoy your weekend. Chris
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