Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lots of hand sewing

Scraps and hand sewing. I have been using up colors and small pieces like crazy. They are colorful.
Here is one row sewn together with the small squares to connect the blocks. There are some who are doing this pattern all by machine. I chose to do it with EPP and seem to move along with a block or two a day. I try and only do it while I am watching TV at night. Sometimes I will sit down for 20 minutes on a break and pick it up to keep my hands busy. 
Some of the blocks still have the EPP pieces stitched to the pieces of fabric. So they tend to curl some. I looked for the name of this block and it is Points of the Cross. POTC has been done by some groups on Yahoo I find out and many fussy cut the center cross and the sections around the cross. I didn't go to that much trouble with this attempt. The sky is the limit as far as color and fussy cut pieces. I am making my shapes out of old lined notebook paper that is probably 20 years old. I had been making them on printer paper and they get ruined easily so I found the notebook paper and thought I might as well use it up.

Women used old newspaper shapes long ago. I guess you use what is available to you. The piece will be a fair sized quilt with the borders on it and I plan on hand quilting it.

I have been looking or lurking on some of the hand quilting sites and the hand pieceing sites that the quilt bloggers are writing. I am amazed at all the variety in the interpretation of the same quilt from quilter to quilter. It is a never ending quest to express themselves and hats off to the quilter who are trying to make a niche in the World for themselves.

I would like to see some of the quilts that are preserved in the museums in our country. In this day and age the likely hood that there will be money to keep them in controlled atmosphere is questionable. I plan on keeping mine within the family and once they are gone I am sure I will be long gone and it won't matter.

Quilting is a therapy for me. I would be a crazy woman if I couldn't keep my mind working and my hands agile from all the sewing. Going to go quilt. Chris 

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