Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sewing set aside

How can you get any sewing done with this little angel running around. I know I can't. She is a tease and is finding her own way. Has a temper and wants things her way. She then can run to you with a big hug and a wet kiss. 

I got a stack of blocks out I had made and let her look at them. She ended up throwing them down and walking on them. Decided she wasn't ready. But she loves a quilt. She holds one while sleeping and she prefers one on top of her if she is cold. 

She had her little cheeks stuffed with french toast. Her first time eating it. She really likes it. Today she goes home. We have had her since Friday afternoon. Daddy had a seminar he was giving and she couldn't be outside so we ended up with her to stay out of the wind.

I hear the birds outside waking up the morning. Have a great day. Chris

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