Sunday, June 13, 2010

Played with the new look

Yesterday during the day I decided I wanted a new look for the blog. I played off and on during the day and then let it go over night. Today I tweaked it. Hopefully it looks ok to all of you. I machine quilted yesterday and was pleased with the progress. Plan on some more today. Need to go to my son's house and see if I can help him some there. He has a major mess. He has been remodeling and the dust is everywhere. The machine quilting is hard because of so much stopping and starting. I tried a look of all over quilting, but because this is and older quilt I wanted the more traditional look. The bulk of the quilt is constantly in my lap and under the machine head. It is almost queen size and I didn't plan this one well. Hopefully I can get it done in the next few days and go onto another project with less bulk. Chris

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