Saturday, November 27, 2010
What is going on?????
More of this is going on. Plus recleaning after the dinner. I think the kids make less of a mess than the adults. We yell at the kids to sit down to eat and the adults are up moving around. I am awake early to get some more quality time on this quilt. The days are running out on me and Christmas Eve is fast approaching. Have a great day. Chris 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving
To all my Followers and Visitors I hope all of you have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving. Reflections of Thanksgiving pasts and the hope for the future are all present on our minds. Have a Blessed fellowship with family and friends.
This is a section of a quilt I need to get finished by Christmas. I heard this morning it is 31 days away. Well I need this on Christmas Eve. Today I will pin the second section together. Tomorrow is the busiest for me this week. Shopping for last minute things and grandkids and making pies and salads. Then we are taking Taylor the 11 year old to look for some clothes. She has nothing that fits her all of a sudden.
This is the detail of the blocks that I have stitched. The stopping and starting is what takes so much time.

This is the extra bedroom. Behind is the junk closet. I went to open it the other day to get the Christmas stuff out and the door opens into the closet. Well something had fallen over and was up against the door. Needless to say a lot of foul words were said and threats about it was all going to the dumpster. We got it open and I got the stuff out for the house. Now I have to put it all back today. Then in a month the rest has to be put away. It won't open again until next year at this time. I cut down on the Christmas stuff I put out this year. It collects dust and we never turn on the lights so why spend all the time on putting it up and taking it down. Grandkids are older and not as interested in all the lights. Hope everyone has a Great Holiday and I hope all your meals are calorie free. LOL Chris

This is the extra bedroom. Behind is the junk closet. I went to open it the other day to get the Christmas stuff out and the door opens into the closet. Well something had fallen over and was up against the door. Needless to say a lot of foul words were said and threats about it was all going to the dumpster. We got it open and I got the stuff out for the house. Now I have to put it all back today. Then in a month the rest has to be put away. It won't open again until next year at this time. I cut down on the Christmas stuff I put out this year. It collects dust and we never turn on the lights so why spend all the time on putting it up and taking it down. Grandkids are older and not as interested in all the lights. Hope everyone has a Great Holiday and I hope all your meals are calorie free. LOL Chris
Monday, November 22, 2010
Freaky weather
Novemeber 22. 2010 Tornado Watch is out for parts of the MidWest. Normally we have snow. Then tomorrow won't get above 39*F. It is like 68*F here right now. That is why the storm watches. Now the repoart is 2 inch hail is on it's way. Yippppeee. I think I am shuting down the Computer for the rest of the day. Hang onto your hats. Stay safe. Chris
Sunday, November 21, 2010
One job done I hate to do
I hate cleaning the glass on the fireplace doors. We have a fireplace insert and they recommend the doors being closed when you use it. They become black with smoke and soot. I hate cleaning them. Leaves grim everywhere.
I have learned to cover the hearth and spray them with Windex. I add ammonia to my Windex

or your favorite window cleaner. I thought this time I am going to try something. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser was laying there and I thought oh well I can throw it out if it doesn't work. Well guess what no scrubbing and no real effort. I sprayed the glass and rubbed with the eraser and it was Magic. It worked with no effort. I then wiped clean with a paper towel and resprayed to make sure all the residue was off. Clean in no time.
But look at my arm where I got the soot on it. I had to scrub it off. I guess I should have used the Magic Eraser. All clean for the upcoming holiday.

Friday, November 19, 2010
Here is the picture
Next Quilt waiting in the wings
The stars are still out and the air is cold. I think the cold is here to stay for awhile. We are to get to 52*F today, but over Thanksgiving the temps are to drop drastically. Today I am going out to mulch up the last of the leaves that have fallen off the trees or blown in from the neighbors because they don't do them. The piles in the sewing room to get done before Christmas are unbelievably high and the time is running out. Maybe after the last run through the yard today I can stay in and get something done. I do need to get out and start walking some. I love walking when it is cool and crisp outside. As you can see these blocks were given to me and they need to be made into a quilt top before Christmas. I plan on going to get fabric this next week to make it all come together. My Mother started a Broken Dish quilt blocks and she lost interest. Lots of green and aqua in the blocks I might find a brown to sash them with and make a couch quilt for my stepson's family. The element being not sure of time. I have stayed away from th sewing room the last few days and wasted my time so have to make up for the lost time now if you ever can. Chris Well Blogger wouldn't let me upload the picture. Will try later. CRW
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
No pictures nothing going on
Sorry to say nothing to report other than with all the furniture moving I have done in the last couple weeks some things are not in great places. I have a wooden crate shipping box that is old. I have used it for several things over the years. Well It is in a bad spot in my bedroom and in the night the other day I got up to go the the facilities and walked right into the end of it in a have dazed state and I broke a toe. I tried to put a shoe on yesterday and with the seam in the sock I had on it was quite painful. It is all black and blue and swollen. I do have to go do some errands today and I think it is to cold out to go barefoot. So I will have to endure the pressure on the toe. I did find a better seamed pair of socks to wear. Such a little part of the body and it hurts so bad. I did some sewing but I lost interest after a little while. It is gloomy today and a lot cooler than earlier this week. They talked about snow flurries with rain mix, but last night said it would be south of us for this round. Stay safe and watch were you are walking. Advise said way to late for me. LOL Chris
Monday, November 15, 2010
Two different looks
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Got sidetracked
Today was a sidetrack day. It rained and we were bored with what we both were doing. Jeff started these Squirrel feeders. He has a friend that feeds the squirrels all winter. 

This is a closer view. The little chair is where they sit and the screw is where the ear of field corn screws on. They are then attached to a tree or a pole. He made two of them. 
I am having Thanksgiving and I needed to make some place mats for my table. I cut out 12 of them to match between the two tables.

They are reversible. Print on one side and homespun on the other.
No fancy stitching or anything unusual about them. I used flannel on the inside for a little stability and also if the plate is warm it won't harm the table top.

I am having Thanksgiving and I needed to make some place mats for my table. I cut out 12 of them to match between the two tables.

They are reversible. Print on one side and homespun on the other.

I made 12 napkins to match the print side. I have enough to make 12 of the homespun, but not sure I want to turn more 1/4 inch seams with the homespun. I am sure I will before I am done. 
This next week my sister is coming to visit. She hasn't been here for a couple years. Her husband was sick and she couldn't get away. He passed away two weeks ago so she feels she needs to come visit her Mother. Also me. Hope to enjoy the visit. Chris

This next week my sister is coming to visit. She hasn't been here for a couple years. Her husband was sick and she couldn't get away. He passed away two weeks ago so she feels she needs to come visit her Mother. Also me. Hope to enjoy the visit. Chris
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I started quilting
I have a START. Only a start. this is going to take awhile. I see I have a thread that needs cutting. Lots of starting and stopping with this quilt. It is about 101X120 inches. I am quilting in sections then sewing the sections together. I am not that good at wrestling that big of a quilt through the hole in the sewing machine.

I think it looks masculine. They are scraps that are not the most pleasing to me that I would use them in another quilt where they would be more visible. One of these days I am going to run out of scraps.

This needs to be done for Christmas so I need to get going on it. I need to piece and quilt another one also for a couch. My stepson and his wife like the quilts I make and I haven't done anything for them. Their kids have quilts, but they don't. I have parts and pieces done for their quilt so need to spend a lot of quality time with the sewing machine. Today it is raining. I got all the outside work done yesterday so I am in for the Winter. I hopefully can get several hours a day at the machine. It is 5:13am here so I am off to the sewing room with the lights on and see if I can get several hours in today. Happy Sewing. Chris
Friday, November 12, 2010
I am so busy and nothing done.
Have you ever had one of those weeks when you are constantly busy, but nothing is getting done. Well that is my week. The phone rings off the wall and no more than place it down and it rings again. My son calls with a drama and then my Mom is on the phone I don't know what to do with myself. Last night I went to the refrigerator and found I had placed a hamburger pattie in the fridge to thaw two days ago and forgot I placed it there. Not sure what I ate in the mean time, but this is the way it goes around here. I had an appointment for Jeff to remove stitches from the procedure he had done two weeks ago for skin cancer. We got done with that and got home only to have to go out and do some more yard work. The nice days are leaving us and it all needs to get done. Stupid me I forgot gloves while doing it and I have small cuts all over my hands. They feel like a papercut does and not fun to place your hands in cleaning water. I have got a quilting project in the process. I stopped and cleaned my machine and oiled it. Boy it was overdue. I then got a bobbin wound and the machine threaded and the first seam I stitched I got a pucker in. I haven't done that in a long time so had to rip it out and get it resewn. Today isn't my day either. I have to go to an appointment with my son at 10 am. I think I am going to sew until about 8 am and get into the shower and be ready when he gets here. Earlier in the week we went to Rockford to see Jeff's Mom. She is 95 and recently moved to and assisted living faucility. She was glad to see us. That took a big chunk out of my day. I have been having so much hip pain lately and I think I finally figured it out. Besides getting old and not at an ideal weight I have been sitting wrong at the sewing machine. I have my left foot flat on the floor and my right foot on the machine foot controller. I find it slides and I strain to keep it under control. I noticed when I drove the van the other day I was uncomfortable too. I read in a magazine to place a book or a platform of some kind under the left foot while using the foot controller. It balances your hips with the weight and pressure you place on your feet which all reflects in the hip position. Today I have a large telephone book that I think I am going to place on the floor and adjust it to the position I need and see if it helps. As a kid I would always sit on one leg. Well I did it as an adult until recently and then wondered why my granmother would yell at me. I think I found out why she thought I shouldn't do it. The leg I sat on was my left leg and my right hip the one that is bothering me was off balance. Right now I am sitting with both feet flat on the floor to type. It feels funny because I am placing pressure more evenly on my hips. What do they call that "ergonomics"?? Big word this early in the morning. If you are in pain stop and think about what you have or haven't done and try and retrace your steps and correct the things you are doing wrong. I plan on trying to get more quilting done today between appointments and doing everyday things. Chris
Monday, November 8, 2010
Off to my Son's for the day
My son is divorced and he has to have somethings done to his house. So Mom gets to go. I have my dishes done and the garbage cleaned up and all ready to be on the road. It is about 32 miles away. Jeff will be here by himself for a while, but I think he will be ok today. Our neighbors are home during the day so I will feel ok with going.
This is an oil painting my MIL sent for us. They were bought in Mexico about 40 years ago. They had a condo in California at the time and they had to be shipped back to Illinois which was exspensive. She has gone to a assisted living place and can't have them there.

Not really my style, but it is a nice painting. So it is up on the living room. It is about 30X32inches. Have more quilts to get done before Christmas. So I am off to get the rest of my stuff together to get some windshield time. Chris
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Goal was met This morning not yesterday
Ok this is the last few inches of the binding being sewn on by hand. So glad this one is done. Off to the washing machine to get the markings out.
My sons' walls in his living room are burgandy. So this will look nice being used. I have to get it in the washing machine to get the Crayloa markers out I told you about before. I like the 80/20 batting I used and hopefully it will pucker some.

This is the backing on the quilt. Color Guard sheets will be used when washing this one. All that Turkey Red hopefully won't bleed all over the rest of the quilt with the Color Guard Sheets.
Mark another one off the list that needs finsihing before Christmas. Scrappy number 2 for this fall done. Chris

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Goal Day
I have to get some sewing done. The day is running away from me and the time is getting closer to Christmas. The couch throw has to get the final quilting on it today. Also the borders on it. I have to stay busy I am so upset. My sons' house was broken into the the kids Wii console and all the games were taken. He sees his kids every other weekend and from the time they last came until last night it is gone. I guess there has a been a lot of breakins in their county. So I am sure it will never be recovered. This was a Christmas gift last year and their Birthday money was used for more games. The kids seem to be handling it ok so I feel so bad for them. They have been through so much in the last three years and now their toys are stolen. Sometime things aren't fair. Chris
Friday, November 5, 2010
Proof of my efforts
I have been moving furniture in the last couple days. This is the extra bedroom. It is small, but at least a queen sized bed fits in it. This is my sewing and quilting books and magazine shelf. It has another shelf behind the bed you can't see. It is pretty much full. The bottom shelf was sagging and we had to brace it up. LOL

This is an old Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt I made almost 20 years ago. It is hand quilted and one of the first full sized quilts I made. I have another quilt in the works to get finished for this bed.
This bed was in the room where my husband sleeps. He is a real restless sleeper and since his surgery last Winter hasn't been able to sleep in the bed. So my couch is his bed and it irritates me. My stepson has purchase an adjustable bed for him and it is being delivered either today or tomorrow. So major moves and cleaning has been going on. Still haven't quilted the last border on the couch quilt for my son. Hopefully after some general cleaning this morning I can get that done today. Grandkids are coming to visit tonight and will be glad to see them. I have bought some new pants for granddaughter and hope they fit. Off to do some picking up, Never ends does it. Chris

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Time change
I just heard on the news in the USA we have a Daylight Savings Time change coming on Sunday the 7th of Nov. Funny I was just thinking I didn't have enough hours in the day as it was and now they are changing the time to screw with my sleeping and waking hours. My goals weren't met yesterday. We got a phone call and my whole day was spent cleaning and changing furniture from one room to another. My step-son is purchasing an adjustable bed for his Father and it is to be delivered on Friday. I had the antique hospital bed in the extra bedroom and had to store it and take the four poster bed and place it in that room. Now today I need to shampoo carpet in the master bath and bedroom since the big bed is out of there. Plus I mowed two yards picked up the rest of the things that needed storing in the shed and moved the snow plow into the garage. Boy if I didn't have an old refrigerator cart I would never have made it. I hit the bed last night and thought I would die. Carpet shouldn't take to long, but in moving the bed I am washing all the bedding so it is clean. So a lot of dust was gotten rid of yesterday. I am sure if I look hard enough I will find plenty more. Chris
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dust where does it come from??????

Today is the last working day for me outside for this Fall. I need to mow one more time and mulch leaves. Then tomorrow on to the dust issue. Where does it all come from?? I know I have neglected with sewing so much lately, but come on. Yes we have had the fireplace going and it creates a lot, but I thought I was keeping up. Not dusting for a month I can understand, but I dusted two days ago and it looks like I dusted a month ago. I guess I really don't care to know. My phone has been ringing off the wall and the stress of everyday life has gotten in the way. I have been sewing and need to get some more finished. One last border to quilt and then the binding. Want to get it done before Friday night. I need to get twice as much done in the next week so I had better get to the sewing room to get started and off the computer. Have goals today and hopefully I can meet them all. Chris
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Death in the Family
My sister has gone through a lot lately. Her 56 year old husband passed last evening. He had advanced Liver disease and they found Lung cancer also. He took a turn for the worse on Sat/Sun and the sad part was they were not in their own town. She had taken him to Mayos and now has to return home. My thoughts are with her and my Niece. Sewing going on. Only one more side to quilt the border on the quilt. Have to keep busy to get my mind off of the things that are going on. Chris
Monday, November 1, 2010
Almost Done

This is in the final stages of being finished. The border is being quilted then the binding. 

The darker color on the blocks is the markings which of course will wash out. I have so much trouble with some of the marking tools I have I went back to the Crayola washable markers that my grandkids have used for years. One more project out of the sewing room. Yipppppeeeee!!!!! Chris
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