Thursday, November 20, 2014

No sewing I have been knitting up a storm.

When I cleaned up the sewing room I found the yarn I had been looking for. Well why keep storing it so I'm knitting it up. This is the third scarf in the last two weeks. It is really heavy so making it to button so not so much bulk when knotted. 

This is what has been going on at my house. We had a broke car. The intake manifold was cracked. They wanted $1200 to replace it. So over two days after we got the right part Jeff got it fixed. We saved almost $900 by him fixing it. He gets scared trying because he forgets so easy. He has dementia so I took a ton of pictures for him to reference to put it back. Well he didn't have to look at them. He took his time and many breaks, but the challenge  makes his mind work. I now have a working car and it heats the way it is suppose to and also we saved lots of bucks. Not saying he will always be able to do this,but at least this time he could. 

Have one more project to knit and then the sewing will continue. Stay warm. Chris


Katie M. said...

what a pretty scarf! I love scarves but we don't have much need for them here in AZ.... I do knit a lot of the fingerless mitts for the girls in the family. Those and socks seem to be their favorites.
Glad your DH was able to fix the car. It's ridiculous what is charged for car repair.

Jean said...

Beautiful knitting. I've made two this fall with pockets in each end for a community living place the churches sponsor.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful that scarf is! I always love finding old gems in the sewing room, and knitting is such a wonderful change of pace at times. It is amazing what our minds are capable of when we feed our passions. Passions aren't just for passing time, they are the medicine for our soul- something I'm sure your dear husband tapped in to when he made that repair. What a great mental exercise, and I'm sure an emotionally fulfilling one as well.

Eleanor Nelson @ Performance Automotive VA