There are containers with partially completed blocks and fabrics that need cutting. I think this is overwhelming at the moment because I am not sure where she was going with all this. She made children's quilts for Linus.
I am sure I can always cut it up and make more scrap quilts. The plan is to work on a container at a time and tackle it that way. One step at a time. Right?????
Monday this will all come to and end. We will have the house cleaned out and things delivered. Then we will be done with the house until the closing. which hopefully will happen next Friday.
I am more than exhausted. We cleaned out and boxed all the cabinets in the kitchen. Tomorrow we will have to clean out bathroom cabinets and a linen closet. Then get it ready to put in the truck to move it. Then the cleaning. Her house was not dirty and it will be just wiping out the sinks and clean toilets and check the carpets for the walk through. Keep your fingers crossed everything goes well. Chris
I know you're busy and I think right now that's a good thing.... Praying things continue to move along smoothly...
I inherited my Moms stuff and I too was overwhelmed. then I said Mom, if I dont make it the way you had planned I am sorry but I feel close to you as I finish your projects up. that gave me peace of mind that even though the project may not be the original one, it was done by BOTH of us and finished so that someone could use it. hoping all goes well for you with the house. it is a stressful time for sure. take time for YOU.
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