Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not organized and maybe never will be

I know it is a mess. Not proud of this at all. I thought maybe I could embarrass myself into gething sonmething done if I posted this awful picture of what things are like in this small room. I wanted to stay home yesterday and start cleaning and work my way out of this room. Instead we spent 51/2 hours in the ER and outpatient surgery for my husband. Very stressful day. He has a feeding tube and it came out during the early morning hours and we went to the hospital at 9am.
Then after getting home late in the afternoon the snow we got about 3 inches worth was being rained on and it was cold and heavy wet. The snowplow on the mower wasn't working well and I couldn't ask Jeff to help so I did most of it on my own. The street guys plowed in the end of the drive up to almost my knee. It was really wet and heavy and I didn't want it to freeze down over night. Get up to snow again this morning. In between snows today maybe I can get in and clean a corner at a time. I bet in cleaning I don't find any money though. Chris


dióhéj said...

oh, no matter the mess, but pleasure is the stitching:)

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I know how overwhelming the mess can be. I tackle it in small bits of time, several times a day. Once I can organize part of it, the rest seems to go a little faster. good luck on it.

those ER runs aren't any fun, I know because I have to do them with my dad. Hope your hubby is all fixed up.