Saturday, February 18, 2012

I was in the hospital 35 years ago today

My son decided to arrive on the 18th of Feb. 35 years ago. The sad part was he didn't come with an instruction book. Many mistakes were made and yet he survived all the different events of growing up. He is a wonderful Father of two healthy kids and a Fireman and dispatcher for the 911 system in his county. He is an instructor teaching firefighting training to others and and EMT2.
He is a very caring person and felt his calling to service while he was young. He begged the fire department to let him join before he was old enough. He had a police scanner and he would listen to it all night long.
We lived in a small town and about two blocks from the fire station. He would get to the fire station before the fire chief did. He would hear the call on the scanner before the fire alarm went off in the town.
To have this passion to save and protect life is a badge of honor for many. I am very proud of his dedication to the Fire Service and to human beings. Happy Birthday son. Love Mom

1 comment:

Barb said...

He sounds like a wonderful son....Happy Birthday to him!!