I stayed in bed a couple hours longer than usual today and paying the price for it now. It is 6 am and the sun is barely on the horizon. We are heading for the Fall real fast. Yesterday my husband noticed birds are starting to flock. Another sign it is coming sooner than we think. These cool nights the flies are clinging to the screens in hopes they can come in.
Need to start the washer and also rummage in the freezer for something for supper. Maybe BBQ chicken tonight. Sounds like a plan to me.
Today the plans are to pick more tomatoes and see if enough to can. Then I need to get some cleaning done after my husband puts down the trim work for the flooring in the little bathroom. Maybe even wash walls in there and say it is Fall housecleaned. Plan on some outside time today even if just to walk around the yard. Need to survey the flower situation and what needs trimming back. Do it in stages it doesn't seem so overwhelming.
Have a Great Fall day. Chris
I like non-matchy squares in quilts. Just random sewing will be less stress and a quicker quilt. I have seen other quilt bloggers go non- matchy. Mix some non-matchy with some matched. Enjoy the process.
This cooler weather is kicking in my desire to get our garage cleaned up and doing some reorganizing. Hubby isn't ready, do darn, I guess I will sew some more. ;) I did get our room cleaned last week and cleaned out my closet. It feels good to get rid of clothes haven't worn in a few years.
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