I have been sorting and pitching and I found several things. Yes they are things in the works.
I found crumb/crazy quilt blocks. They weren't as large so I added more to make them the size I need to cut down to my 9 inch blocks. Lots of little pieces lots of pressing, but using it up instead of in the landfill. I have 28 of them sewn not all trimmed. I think I will wait until I get a few more done before I decide how this is going to come together. I can work on these off and on when there are pieces laying around.
I have to start on my Taxes and my Mother's taxes. I am still waiting on one more piece of paper for hers. Going to sort out the mess today.
My husband got all the wallpaper off last week and yesterday he started putting up the new paper. It looks so clean and neat. If he is up to it he will do a few more strips today. Lots of wilndows and doors to cut around, but it doea look good. Have a Good one Chris
Don't you hate that about Roku? I was watching hbogo on mine then it had me update. I got a message saying this unit no longer supports hbogo. Right in the middle of a series I was watching! I called them and they were supposed to send a coupon for 30% off a new box. Never got it. Still worth a try as it might save you a few bucks. My son said a lot of the new bluray players are wireless internet connected and you can watch Netflix and so many other free channels. Bluray players are cheap now too.
Love your scrap blocks.
love your crumb blocks , i may have to try that.
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