Tuesday, June 30, 2015

To go bag sewing

Forgot to change the date again. Well here is some more of the progress that I made yesterday while sitting for 4 hours. 

It is starting to look  more like something. I need to find some yellow/gold combos. I have some cheddar now and will work it in when I make a larger star piece. 

You can see all the basting threads which I leave in to control the fraying on the back as you handle it. I need now to start pulling out the hexie papers. 

I did some sewing on this, but the Nurse that was there for my Mother was an old neighbor and we got to talking about things happening where I use to live. It passed the time for the both of us. 

My Mom didn't handle the chemo treatment well and doubt she will go through anymore. She was promised by the Doctor that it wouldn't be bad and it was. In event this happened we will be more than likely be calling Hospice and letting things happen as they will. Hard to face, but suffering is not easy either. 

As she said the cure, which really isn't a cure, is worse than the disease. It will be hard no matter which we do and I hate to see her go through this, but it is out of my hands and powers to be have the upper hand. As I said before it is each day as it comes. 

On a better note my son and oldest Granddaughter are coming for awhile today. She has something she needs Grandpa's help on. All the kids love their Grandpa. He is a good Grandpa and loves all the kids. Have a Good Day. Chris

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