Sunday, April 8, 2012

Couple days late

The potato planting should have been done on Good Friday. Well it got done on Easter. They went out with Grandpa and dug the holes and got the seed potatoes all planted.

Derek didn't have enough muscle to use the auger so Taylor did it. He went and got the little shovel I bought when he was little and dug holes for the tubers.
Mind you it was only about 63*F and Taylor was out running around with no shoes and socks. See she is in the garden with her bare feet. She is Taylor. Never did like shoes on.

The soles of her feet are like leather. She is out without shoes as soon as she can in the Spring and way into the Fall. I guess the dirt makes them grow. The hills of potatoes will sprout through before we know it. Hope everyone had a Nice Easter. Chris

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