Sunday, March 10, 2013


Time change today and it will be hard to get up to dark skies again. We are so use to the time as it was.

I am still learning how to work the new program on the laptop. I was typing away and it disappeared on my. I obviously hit the wrong key while typing.

I know the weather changed some over night and it warmed up here. Almost 40F. Then today it is to drop again and rain we were to get will be snow. Can't win in Illinois. But wait an hour and it will change again especially in March.

I have looked online and in quilting magazines and I still can't get motivated. I think I will get out a WIP and do something with it today. Can't hurt to try anyway.

My husband was pretty down yesterday thinking about his Mother and her condition so we didn't do a lot other than talk off and on. He needed that. Today I think the grandkids will be around for a short visit.

The sky is gray and the weather is yucky. Chris

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