Chain piecing happened for a bit this morning. 2.5 inch squares were overflowing in the bin so I decided to get at them. More strips to cut and running out of storage.

Yes more 9-patches. I have a thought which is scary that I need to make some more couch quilts. This will be a 9-patch with a solid print next to it for a quilt top. I will pull out the fabric I think I will use for the alternate block. It is a print but reads solid. Maybe will even set on point. Never done that.

Cut up shirts and scraps are my choice for these 9-patches. The only fabric I buy with a purpose is for borders, sashing or backings. I do buy men's shirts and scraps that other quilter discard and are at thrift stores. The yellow plaid piece is from a man's shirt.

Pressed ready to assemble into 9-patches. Not sure how much of that will get completed today. Had a migraine yesterday and need to get caught up on the rest of the things I needed to do yesterday and didn't get done. Autumn is coming today so we will be running after her. Mom has a baby stress test today. Still on baby watch. Never know maybe they will keep her so that means Autumn will stay until Mom comes home.
Need to go to the store and buy some groceries. A little girl likes snacks and us old people like them to, but don't need them.
In making these nine patches I have visions of using all my fabric. Do you think that will happen? N-O-T.......... To much is lurking in dark corners and needs to be cut. I am at a stand still with cutting because I need new blades for the rotary cutter and haven't been to the store to get some. Maybe over the weekend I can get that done. Hope you have a great day. Chris
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