Wednesday, February 26, 2020

No sewing for days

Yes this had to be changed. We were not gettting enough hot water.

We got the book out on it and it was ten years old. The last heating element was installed in 2014. We live with a well so the water is very hard water. It was getting limed up and it just needed to be changed. 

My husbnad is disabled, but insisted he change it. I went and bought it and paid to have it delivered. 

I had to clean put a closet to get to the cabinet it is stored in. The closet needed a good clean out anyway. I had some old computer componnents and also a ton of old pillows. Which all of that will get recycled or sent to the thrift store. 

It was a long day because he is weak and he had to take breaks. But it is in place. The pipes had a leak, but he got that fixed. So today we will put the closet back together.

So that explains the no sewing. I had to go to the hardware store for plumbing pieces and I do most of the lifting, but it saved us about $400 in labor doing it ourselves. 

I would have prefered one of the boys to help, but they both were working. We just have to get the old tank hauled off now. 

I do plan on trying to finish picking up after the closet gets put back together and get some more sewing done. 

Hope you all had a more productive day than I had, but I have hot water again. Chris

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